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Fishery Biology of Electric Catfish, Malapterurus electricus (Gmelin, 1789), in Nasser Lake, Egypt /
Mokhtar, Eslam Zakaria Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إسلام زكريا محمد مختار
مشرف / علاء الدين محمد محمد يونس
مشرف / خالد يوسف أبوالفضل
مشرف / علاء محمود محمد الفار
مناقش / مدحت عبدالفتاح محمد الكاشف
مناقش / محمد صابر عبدالحميد الصباغ
Electric Catfish. Nasser Lake.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
160 p. :
علوم الأحياء المائية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة السويس - المكتبة المركزية - قسم المصايد
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The genus Malapterurus electricus, which includes the electric catfish, is widely distributed throughout Africa. It can be found in all major freshwater systems and is regarded as one of the most significant commercial catfish species in Nasser Lake. In order to gather data and information regarding the fisheries, 144 fishermen were interviewed in 2018. Additionally, 538 Electric catfish fish were sampled for biological research. According to a separate calculation of the length-weight relationship based on sex, M. electricus has a (2.89) negative allometric mode of growth. According to age calculations based on vertebral readings, an electric catfish lifespan is six years. The growth performance index, Ø = 2.935, L∞ = 78.16 cm, K = 0.141/y, to = -0.934/y, and W∞ = 7166.35 g were the estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters. The best time to spawn is in September, but it lasts from July to September. Males have a length at first maturity (Lm) of 33.5 cm and females a Lm of 31 cm. M. electricus is a carnivorous fish that primarily consumes tilapia, mollusks, and certain plants. The dominant age groups in the catch were III and IV. Every sample had a length of 35.5 cm at the time of capture. Estimated mortality rates (Z = 1.04 y -1) and an E = 0.647 exploitation ratio were found. M = 0.367 and F = 0.367 y -1 are the respective values for the natural and fishing mortality.