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Lowering perinatal foetal mortality /
Mohamed Abd El-Any Younis,
Younis, Mohamed Abd El-Any.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mohamed Abd El-Any Younis
مشرف / Bassiouny A. Bassiouny
مشرف / Youssef Omar Abou El-Khair
باحث / Mohamed Abd El-Any Younis
Perinatal loss.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
207 p. ;
أمراض النساء والتوليد
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY
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The perinatCal period in its broadest definition Extends the 20th completed week of gestation through 27 days birth. The number of live births lost during the period from the 20th week of pregnancy to the seventh day of postntal life is almost equal to the number lost during the nex t 40 years of life. The number of live birth lost during the first 28 days of life 1& approximat.ely equal to 70 per cent of deaths occurring in the first year of life. Perinatal mortality is an important criterion of maternal and child care. It reflects standards of obstetric as well as the effectiveness of social measures in general public health actlons in particular. An introduction has been written, followed by definations and interpretations of perintal mortality statistics. Many factors limit the interpretational comparability of perinatal mortality rates. These factors include variations in definitton of birth death and period as well as variations in registration of both births and deaths. Although, the perinatal mortility have dropped considerably since the beginning of this century in developed and in many developing countries, it is sti11 for most. devoloping countries as nearly as four to 20 times in devoloped countries.