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Role of MR spectroscopy in differentiation between cerebal radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence /
Ghada Mohamed El Daydamony Abdou,
Abdou, Ghada Mohamed El Daydamony.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / غادة محمد الديدامونى عبدة
مشرف / لمياء جلال السروجى
مشرف / سامية منير زكى
مشرف / لمياء جلال السروجى
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
115 p. :
الأشعة والطب النووي والتصوير
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم الأشعة التشخيصية
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Both of radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence may occur simultaneously and within the irradiated area after 1 year or more of brain irradiation and the differentiation between both entities after brain tumor radiotherapy is indispensable for adequate treatment and prognosis. The purpose of this study is to differentiate between radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence by MRS. All patients underwent MR Spectroscopic examination; 23 patients were examined after administration of contrast media. SVS was done for 6 patients& CSI for 24 patients according to homogeneity &size of the lesions. MR Spectra were acquired using TR/TE: 1500/270; to allow metabolites such as Choline, Creatine &NAA to be detected. On the basis of signal intensity ratios of these metabolites; we observed no significant difference between metabolites ratios of MRS diagnosed tumor &normal brain. On the other hand, there was significant reduction of ICho/Itcr &ICho/INAA ratios in MRS diagnosed radiation necrosis compared to normal brain (p=0.018&0.04). Signal intensity ratios of ICho/Itcr & ICho/ INAA allowed diagnosis of lesions as tumor recurrence and radiation necrosis with accuracy 77% & 85% respectively. Sensitivity& Specificity values of MRS in differentiation between tumor recurrence &radiation necrosis were (83.3% &78.6% respectively).MRS can be used to differentiate between tissue areas of tumor recurrence and radiation- therapy changes in patient whose neurodiagnostic interpretation based on CT or MRI is equivocal and it can guide the extent of resection limited to area of recurrence. MRS creates a non invasive technique to neurometabolism as it provides greater information than MRI to differentiate between radiation necrosis and tumor recurrence. It is advisable to add H1MRS to MRI follow up of patients with irradiated brain tumors for better diagnosis.