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Effect of some products of the honey bee on the productivity of the mulberry silk worm, bombyx mori l /
Gad, Rania Salah Gad.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رانيا صلاح جاد جاد
مشرف / حسن محمد فتحي
مشرف / عادل حسن عبد السلام
مشرف / سعاد مرسي محمود
مشرف / حسن محمد فتحي
Irrigation Scheduling. Irrigation efficiency.
تاريخ النشر
2007 .
عدد الصفحات
77 p. :
علوم الحشرات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الزراعة - Department of Economic Entomology
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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- The effect of different treatments in the first local hybrid R1 pollen at the concentrations 40 mg/100 ml water had a significant effect as a food additive on the weights of mature larvae , pupae , cocoon , and silk gland ( 3.12 g / larva , 1.02 g / pupa , 1.25 g / cocoon , 0.77 g / silk gland ) . But cocoon shell did not significantly differ than untreated . Treatment with this concentration had an increase in the number of deposited eggs / female ( 369 egg /female ). In general, increased THP (22.9 mg/ml) caused an increase silk ratio (18.40%) and growth rate (5.59). The concentration 60.0 mg/100 ml water had a significant increase in the weight of mature larvae, pupae, cocoon and silkgland (3.55 g/ larva ) ,(1.23 g/ pupa ) , ( 1.55 g/ cocoon ) , ( 1.07 g/ silk) But cocoon shell did not significantly differ than untreated The effect of different treatments in the second local hybrid R2 Pollen at the concentration 40.0 mg/100ml water had a significant increase in the weights of mature larvae , pupae , cocoon , cocoon shell . and silk gland ( 3.17g /larva , 1.05 g/ pupa , 1.28 g/cocoon , 0.23 g /cocoon shell , 0.84 g/silk gland ). Treatment with the same concentration had increase in the number of deposited eggs / female ( 390 egg/female ). In general increased THP ( 29.30 mg/ml) caused an increase silk ratio (17.96%) and growth rate (5.10). Pollen at the concentration of 60 mg/100ml water had a significant increase in the weights of larvae , pupae , cocoon , cocoon shell and silk gland ( 3.59g /larva , 1.29 g/ pupa , 1.64 g/cocoon , 0.35 g /cocoon shell , 1.20 g / silk gland )