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Factors predicting substance use disorders in relation to vulnerability and outcome
Haitham Osama Ahmed El-Boraie ,
El-Boraie , Haitham Osama Ahmed
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هيثم أسامه احمد البرعي
مشرف / وفاء عبد الحكيم البهائي
مشرف / محمد علي عزت الحديدي
مشرف / حنان السيد محمد
Substance use Disorders Prediction Substance use disorders Biological and social overview
تاريخ النشر
2008 .
عدد الصفحات
187 p.:
الطب النفسي والصحة العقلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - NEUROPSYCHIATRY
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 193


The problem of substance use disorder is considered one of the most disabling conditions. Murray & Lopez (1996) showed that tobacco and alcohol were major causes of mortality and disability in developed countries, with impact of tobacco expected to increase in other parts of the world. Chapter 1: It inculded demonestration of the rising frequancy of addiction around the world was noted and also the problem of under estimation of the actual numbers of those having this problem specially in developing counties including egypt was clarified. Chapter 2: It concerns with the natural history of substance use disorders whether in relation to course or outcome . Although chronicity with remmision and relapse is the most common course variant of this disorder, other variants also may occur including progression, regression, or recovery forms and natural recovery and the factors leading to it have been clarified. Chapter 3: It deals with the different factors that can predispose to substance use disorders these factors may be biological, psychological or sociocultural or the interaction the all of them. As regards biological factors, focus was done mainly on the genetic constellationof the individuals who are prone to be addicts. Different views in this issue was presented whether regarding the classical genetic studies or those concerned with molecular genetics. Also the diplayed effects of genetics on the neurotransmitters systems (mainly dopamine and serotonine )were discussed. Chapter 4: It deals with factors predicting outcome of substance use disorders These factors overlap greatly with those predisposing to the disease. However, treatment issues are influencial in this stage. The differences between diffrent theraputic modalities where discused. Lastly, a wholistic view of the problem of substance use disorders through different approaches was discussed with special emphasis on the current status of the disorder and its ways to recovery particularly in Egypt and Arab countries. So we may conclude that: • Key factors in the evolution of substance use include the characteristics of the substance, the characteristics of the user, and the surrounding environment Rates of substance use are highest in the 20–25 age group, but decrease as people get older. However, some people develop a long-term pattern of use which is likely to have a relapsing and remitting course