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Environmental changes and human impact in el-burullus lake :
Mohamed, Nagia Mostafa Ameen.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نجية مصطفي أمين محمد
مشرف / صلاح نصر عياد
مشرف / رمضان حسين أبوزيد
مناقش / رمضان حسين أبوزيد
Burullus Lake. Benthic foraminifera. heavy metals. Evolution of EL Burullus Lake. Environmental Geology - Egypt. geochemical - prospecting - Egypt.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
118 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية العلوم - Department of Geology
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El Burullus Lake water salinity is generally low ranging from 2 g/l to 14.5 g/l. Its water depth is very shallow as a result of high sedimentation rates that are probably induced either by riverine inputs or by collapse and burial of dense vegetations in the lake. These conditions encouraged local people to reclaim lands from the shallowest parts of the lake for agricultures and fish farming purposes. Therefore, we must sound the alarm to be worry of close up of the lake in the near future, unless good solutions are taken.El Burullus Lake substrates vary from sand-dominated to mud-dominated types. Sand-dominated substrates prevailed in the central and far-west parts of the lake, whereas mud-dominated substrates prevailed in the eastern and southern parts of the lake. The substrate type of the El Burullus Lake seems to be mainly controlled by water currents, water depths and wind-blown sand, and production of bioclastic materials. The modern bottom water of El Burullus Lake is oxic so it is favorable habitats for benthic fauna to survive Bottom sediment carbonates of the El Burullus Lake do not co-vary with the lake water salinity, but however, it is inversely related with organic carbon. It is also evidenced that shells of organisms are the principle contributors to carbonate production in lake sediments. The organic carbon of the bottom sediments does not show any relationship with the present benthic foraminifera and molluscs, suggesting that the OC is not a limiting factor on the benthic life in the bottom sediments of the El Burullus Lake.The organic carbon in the core Burullus 2 increases downwards, indicating good preservation by burial in muddy substrates. High amount of fragmented molluscs occur in some intervals of the studied cores, indicating a high energy environment, while presence of complete shells of Cerastoderma glaucum; Abra ovata; Melanoides tuberculata and Bittium reticulatum indicate calm environment. Therefore, using of this proxy may help to distinguish between the intervals of calm and agitated environments in the lake. It is found that family Rotaliida dominates the benthic foraminiferal assemblages throughout the studied cores. It is mostly represented by Ammonia tepida. Rare specimens of Crirbroelphidium excavatum; Milliolids and Bolivinidae are also occurring