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دراسه مقارنه لسمات شخصيه اباء وامهات الجانحين وغير الجانحين /
الوكيل, سيد احمد محمد سيد احمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سيد احمد محمد سيد احمد الوكيل
مشرف / عادل كمال خضر
مناقش / عادل كمال خضر
مناقش / عادل كمال خضر
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
200ص. :
علم النفس الاجتماعي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الاداب - علن النفس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 221

from 221


A Comparative Stud)’ for Personality Traits of Delinquents
and Non - delinquents’ Parents.
English Abstract
Family plays important roles to its members, especially its childrens.
The more the socity has strong relation among its members in general or
between famliy members in particular, the more strong and progressive the
society will be. It is of course true since the lack of closeness in such
relations will in contrast lead to the dissociation of this society .
Scientific progress have many increasing and inflaming negative effects on
family members, such as voilence, crimes, family conflicts and delinquency.For example delinquency is one of the dangours psychological and social
diseases because the delinquent becomes a problematic child for society to
the degree that he threatens. elements and main sources of welfare in society
, therefore a lot of researchers have studied personality traits of delinquents
and the factors which have led to delinquency.
Psychologists state that the normal child is growing up in normal
family conditions, while the a bnormal child grows up in a bnormal family
that leads to delinquency. To add more psychologists have agreed that there
isn’t problematic child but there are problematic fathers and mothers.
In general the motives behind delinquency are feelings of hatred,
jealousy and psychological disorders which are due to abnormal
socialization or a bnormal traits in personality of their parents.
Question of study:
This research was conducted to answer the following questions:
1- Are there any significant differences between delinquents and non
delinquents’ fathers in personality traits?
2- Are there any significant differences between delinquents and non
delinquents’ mothers in personality traits?
3- Are there any significant differences between delinquents’ parents in
personality traits?
4- Are there any significant differences between non delinquents’
pa rents in personality traits.