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Left Ventricular Ejection Performance In Aortic Regurgitation Before And After Aortic Valve Replacement /
Abd El-Moaty, Jaser Ali Ali.
General Surgery. Aortic Valve.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
96 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 121

from 121


Most studies of operative outcome after aortic valve replacement
have focused on correlates and predictors of clinical states or vertricular
performance , few reports have systematically assessed the determinants and consequences of normalization of ventricular size and hypertrophy (Gaasch et al., 1973 and 1983; Fioretti et al., 1985; Sutton et al., 1987; and Tomos et al., 1998) .
In this study we evaluate factors which influence the rate and
magnitude of left ventricular performance improvement and regression of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with chronic aortic value
regurgitation who underwent successful replacement. Aortic valve replacement was performed in 20 patients with
sympotomatic chronic aortic regurgitation. The patients ranged m age from 14 to 50 years (Mean 25.5) , were followed for months.
All patients improved symptomatically,and, haemodynamically
regardless the body surface area, valve size, or type.
Tech et al in 1987, found no relation between symptomatic recovery
and the body surface area of the patient. It has been stated that a preoperative cardiac thoracic ratio (eTR) of
0.64 or more is associated with poor results (Samuel et al., 1979) .