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Role of CT virtual cystoscopy in diagnosis of Urinary Bladder neoplasia
Ain Shams Univesrity. Faculty of Medicine. Radio-diagnosis Department,
Mahmoud, Shereen Salah
تاريخ النشر
2007 .
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Several imaging techniques are available for use in the detection of bladder pathology. U/S, CT, MRI and conventional cystoscopy could be used in diagnosis the bladder disease. Conventional cystoscopy was accepted as a gold standard in diagnosis of urinary bladder diseases.
Recently, three-dimensional computer – rendering techniques with rapid image acquisition have led to the development of virtual reality imaging. With commercially available software, virtual reality imaging allows interactive intramural navigation through any hollow viscus, simulating conventional endoscopy Recently CT-virtual endoscopy has been introduced to the imaging armamentarium for use in the evaluation of urinary bladder. The Urinary bladder is a good candidate for virtual endoscopy because of its simple luminal morphology, relatively small volume and absence of involuntary peristalsis
CTVC technique is of a great value in detection of bladder tumors larger than 5 mm with high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy rates.
But recently high sensitivity rates for detection of bladder lesions less than 5 mm by VC have been reported by many authors such as Kim et al. (2002).