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Molecular And Biochemical Markers For Early pregnancy detection in sheep.
University of Alexandria. Institute of Graduate Studies and Research. Department of Biotechnology.
Hassanin,Walaa Fekry El-Sayed
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / محمد حلمى اسماعيل
مشرف / ابراهيم ابو اليزيد ابراهيم
مشرف / مختار ابراهيم يوسف
باحث / ولاء فكرى السيد حسانين
تاريخ النشر
2006 .
عدد الصفحات
علوم المواد
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - معهد الدراسات العليا والبحوث - Biotechnology
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The present study was conducted as in the experimental sheep farm of the Nuclear Research Center. Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority in association with the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research. University of Alexandria. This study aims to accurately and economically detect early pregnancy using techniques of Biotechnology. Consequently. The suggested method may replace techniques used nowadays for pregnaney detection since these techniques have disadvantages (e.g. long time before accurately determining pregnancy in rectal abdominal palpation and high cost and hazards of using serum progesterone radio immunoassay (RIA)). The farmer may benefit from such detection economically by increasing his farm breeding cycle efficiency. Reducing the breeding expenses. And isolating fertile ewes as early as possible. Therefore reducing abortion incidences. Stillbirths or production of weak lambs. This study was performed in two separate experiments.
The first experiment
Twenty four mixed breed sheep from the experimental sheep of the Nuclear Research Center. Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority were used in this study. Blood samples were taken at days 5. 7. 10. 16. 21. and 25 days after mating and a Native-PAGE were applied on the serum of these samples in correlation with serum Progesterone RIA test. In addition. White blood cells were isolated from blood samples to obtain purified total RNA for RT-PCR. Gel images were analyzed using totallab v.l.11 (Nonlinear Dynamic. Neweastle Upontyne. UK) computer software.
The obtained results of this experiment can summarized in following:
1. Serum progesterone RIA gave 100% accuracy for pregnancy detection. This result is in agreement with the previous recorded studies on this issue.
2. The computer software gel image analysis revealed 7 main fractions in all gels at alldays. Protein fractions. Expressed in fraction %. Of pregnant and non-pregnant ewes were compared. Data analysis showed that several fractions gave a distinguishable difference in fraction% value at different days under study. Fraction 7 revealed differences in average fraction % between pregnant and non-pregnant ewes at days 7 (36.63 + 3.33 and 45.82 + 2.43. respectively). Day 10 (50.34 + 1.89 and 56.62 + 2.67. respectively ) and Day 21 (53.22 + 4.36 and 63.8 + 3.2. repectively ). Fraction 4 revealed differences in average fraction % between pregnant and non-pregnant ewes at 10 (23.19 +1.81 and 15.85 + 2.23. respectively). Day 16 (7.92 + 0.72 and 5.82 +0.77 respectigvely ). Day 21 (16.78 + 2.79 and 10.2 + 2.06. respectively) and Day 25 (8.97 +0.82 and 6.56 + 0.83. respectively ).
3. Depending on these results. A double blind test was applied on twenty four ewes using native protein electrophoresis combined with computer software image analysis at the same days after matin. The obtained results showed that the accuracy of pregnancy status detection for subjected ewes using fraction % of fraction 7 at day 7 as a marker was 79.19 % for pregnancy while the accuracy for non-pregnancy detection was 87.5%. Using fraction% values of fractions 4&7 at day 7&10 gave 83.33%accuracy for pregnancy detection and 79 17% for non-pregnancy detection. Fraction 4 at day 10 had accuracy of 83.33 % for pregnancy detection and 91. 67% for non-pregnancy detection.