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Field Study Of Plastic Recycling from Domestic Solid Waste in Montaza District in Alexandria
Manal Samy Mohamed Ahmed Farag
Farag,Manal Samy Mohamed Ahmed
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Manal Samy Mohamed Ahmed Farag
مشرف / Olfat El-Sebaie
مشرف / Ahmed Hussein
مشرف / Manal Mohamed
Environmental Health Chemistry Biology Solid Waste
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
254 p.
الكيمياء الحيوية ، علم الوراثة والبيولوجيا الجزيئية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - المعهد العالى للصحة العامة - Environmental Chemistry and Biology
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Plastics are high molecular weight polymers that have been synthesized from petroleum, natural gas deriatives. or coal. Refining. heating, pressurizing, or treating these fules catalysts convert them to monomers. Heat and pressure are used in which simple monomers are combined into ever-increasing chains called po1ymers, or plastic resins, Most resins must be blended with special additives that allow the creation of a wide array of products meeting a wide ,’ariety of speci ficat ions. The most common manufacturing methods are extrusion and injection molding. Plastics can be made into products from fast-food packages to compnct discs to contact 1enses to surgical instruments. Plastics form a fifth class to the materials: metal, wood, glass. and ceramics. Plastics have’ advantages over these conventional materials because of their desirable properties as light weight, resistance to corrosion, good insulation, ease of processing, high strength, durability, reduction of installed cost, higher perceived value, and low cost . In other words, plastic products are desirable for economic value and utility.plastics are grouped into two categories, thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics can be softened by heating and remolded over and over again. Therefore, scrap can be used and consequently waste can be eliminated, i.e., recycled.The six most common thermoplastics according to their greatest usage are HDPE, LDPE, PS, PP, PET, and PVC which find their way into the MSW stream They are candidates for recycling. These resins are used in combination with each other, or with other materials in packaging which makes them harder and costlier to recycle thall products made from ;a single resin. Polystyrene and PVC are the two resins or the least recyclables or plastic prodllch Polythylene, PET, and PP have the least environmental impact. The biggest potential source of plastic resins is the residential SW stream, such thc focus of this study is plastic generated from post-consumer SW. It is primarily the short life category which provides the bulk of the plastic waste in refuse, that it is predominately thelllloplastics, and that recycling would have to be either: (a) to prevent the discarded plastic entering the refuse stream, or b) to extract them from the mixed waste prior to disposal. But what happens to plastics when they are discarded? they go to landfill or incinerated, or recycled and reused. Their wide spread use gives to large quantities of waste which t1re potentially valuable for recycling which is remanufacturing of plastic collected from waste stream to make new useful products instead of discarding it as a waste. Recycling diverts plastic waste from incinerators and landfills, it provides additional materials to be used in manufacturing of products, thus reduces the amount of net discards. This recycled plastic material competes with virgin plastic material on the basis of price and performance. Plastic recycling now is technically and economically feasible for the bulk or plalstic packaging It consenes natural resources It is a method or increasing environmental quality and energy conservation. It cuts waste saves money.. reduces natural habitat destruction, creaks jobs, saves bndfill space, and Imvers w;lsk treatment and disposal costs. Recycling is a SWM technique. as the recycling of plastic waste can’t be treated in isolation from SWM as a whole. Plastic recycling is an essential plastic of the material-supply-chain in a growth-oriented economy. Plastics industry has invented a code, its accompanying letters refer to different types of resins. The use of ch