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دور القطاع غير الرسمي في تنمية المجتمع المحلى :
حسن, أحمد محمد عبدالعاطي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد محمد عبدالعاطي حسن
مشرف / محمد سيد حافظ
مشرف / إقبال مصطفى عبدالحكيم
باحث / أحمد محمد عبدالعاطي حسن
القطاع الخاص. التنمية الحضرية. الاجتماع الحضري, علم. المشروعات.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
367 ص. :
علم الاجتماع والعلوم السياسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية النوعية منية النصر - مكتبة الرسائل العربية - قسم علم الاجتماع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 354

from 354


Studies seeks to discover the different reflection to the informal sector to build the urban and real development in Egypt .It also aims to know the role that the informal sector plays in improve the individual economies of its workers.To achieve these objectives of this study were conducted in Mansoura on a sample of workers and business owners projects informal sector productivity, and I study the descriptive method followed to achieve its goals, as the study is based on the use of social survey sample way approach, and I study sample consisted of 120 Researched of workers and employers the informal sector in Mansoura, applied them questionnaire newspaper, were selected from the various neighborhoods of the city, also takes into account these neighborhoods representation in cases of study, field study has lasted 7 months, from the month of 4/2014 to 11/2014 month since the beginning of the data collection Even access to the results of the study.
The studies reached many results from them: consistent large number of respondents in the informal sector was for them shelter and protection to non-availability of government jobs and escape from unemployment, sees a large percentage of the respondents that the informal sector is a significant and important role in community development, although it was also a lot of problems, the informal sector facility presence in the local community has worked to make a leap and change in the community where she worked to provide cheap goods, which was difficult for citizens to get them at cheap prices, the informal sector has a future role, especially in periods of economic recession and periods recession, staff believes that the future vision for the activities of the informal sector is the restrictions on the sector’s activities in the absence of registration, which threatens sector activities to continue, the majority of respondents indicated that the January revolution had a significant negative impact on the labor market, sees the largest proportion of respondents they are optimistic for the labor market and the expectation of improvement in the next stage, whether the situation in general in Egypt or to the labor market in particular.