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Developing the performance of security employees :
Aglan, Sayed Ali Abou El-Foutouh Ali.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سيد على أبوالفتوح على عجلان
مشرف / وائل محمودعزيز محمد فارس
مشرف / حنان محمد لطفى الجمل
مناقش / محمد عبدالفتاح الزهرى
مناقش / محمد عبدالمنعم صالح
Private security - Employees. Hotels. Tourism.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
222 p. :
السياحة والترفيه وإدارة الضيافة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية السياحة والفنادق - Hotel Studies
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Tourism has been severely affected in recent years due to the political turmoil that followed the January 2011 revolution and some terrorist operations carried out in the hotel sector in previous years. The staff of the Department of Internal Security in hotels at all levels, which led to the emergence of the need to study the extent of the application of various effective security practices in hotels, especially three-star hotels in Alexandria Governorate, given the attention to that province Promising tourist in the coming years due to being the starting point for the development of the northern coast and put it on the global tourist map.
The study aims to consolidate the concept of security and occupational safety procedures for employees of the security department and various sections of the hotel and the use of various modern security services and the implementation of various security plans to deal with various types of crimes, disasters and crises, in order to protect the assets of the hotel, guests and employees. The questionnaire was designed and distributed to all employees in the internal security of the hotels under study, which amounted to eight hotels (hotel room guide 2016), where 54 forms were distributed and the number of valid forms for analysis is 50 forms with a response rate of 92.5%, the study recommended the need Developing the performance of hotel security personnel in the three-star hotels, and the application of an electronic information program between the Tourism and Antiquities Police, hotels and tourism companies to be able to report through it on the nationalities, numbers and movements of tourist groups on a continuous basis throughout the day to work to secure them significantly D incidents of terrorism that may be exposed.