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Integrated pest management of fruit flies at gharbia governorate /
Nassem, Asmaa Atef Saad El-Din.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسماء عاطف سعدالدين نسيم
مشرف / عبدالبديع عبدالحميد غانم
مشرف / سمير صالح عوض الله
مشرف / أحمد محمود زكي مسلم
Economic entomology. Integrated pest management. Fruit flies. Ceratitis capitata. Bactrocera zonata.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
p 144. :
علوم الحشرات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الزراعة - الحشرات
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The present experiments were carried out in Gharbia Governorate during the two successive seasons; 2017 and 2018. The experiments were conducted in three fruit orchards at Sammanoud lies about 35 km North of Tanta. The first orchard consisted of citrus trees of 25 feddan including mandarin. The second orchard consisted of guava trees of about 25 feddan. The third orchard consisted of peach trees of about 18 feddane. The Mediterranean fruit fly (MFF), Ceratitis capitata (Widemann) and the peach fruit fly (PFF), Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) are the most serious pests.The obtained results could be summarized in the following:The MFF, C. capitata had two peaks of abundance on peach and guava fruits annually, while three peaks on mandarin fruits were recorded. The PFF, B. zonata had two peaks of abundance on peach and guava fruits annually, while three peaks on mandarin fruits were recorded.A positive significant relationship between the adult males of C. capitata and B. zonata and the weekly means of temperature during the two successive seasons 2017 and 2018.A negative significant relationship was recorded between the adult males of C. capitata and B. zonata and the weekly means of relative humidity during the two successive seasons 2017 and 2018. The highest average number of the emergence of the males or females for the two fruit flies was recorded on zero soil depth for guava fruits (without burying) and the lowest emergence was recorded for burying guava fruits on soil depths 40 and 50 cm, while in the soil depth 60 cm no emergence was recorded for males or females of the two insect pests by burying guava fruits on this depth.The seasonal population abundance for the two flies was the highest significant in peach orchards with weeds compared with peach orchards without weeds.The seasonal population abundance for the two flies was the highest significant in peach orchards with fallen fruits compared with peach orchards without fallen fruits.The seasonal population abundance for the two flies was the highest significant in peach orchards with weeds and fallen fruits compared with peach orchards without weeds and fallen fruits. Using chemical control lead to suppress the population abundance for the two fruit flies. The insecticide Agrowcate 40% EC was more effective than the insecticide Neamforce and the insecticide Supper top 33% EC for the two fruit flies.