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Strategic business analytics and alternative solutions from decision making perspective /
Elshapasy, Ahmed Hamdi Attia.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / احمد حمدى عطيه الشباسى
مشرف / أحمد أبو الفتوح
مشرف / سمير محمد عبدالرازق
مشرف / سمير محمد عبدالرازق
Information science. Cognition. Decision making.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (202 pages) :
Information Systems and Management
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الحاسبات والمعلومات - قسم نظم المعلومات
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Strategic Business Analytics and Alternative Solutions from Decision Making Perspective. In today’s digital world, Entrepreneurs make strategic decisions every day. Changes in technology, changes in organizational priorities, macroeconomic changes, and growth of global information capacity have been influenced substantial changes in decision making process. The problem is that the decision-making methodologies nowadays are not efficient and have a lot of data accuracy issue. This thesis presents a new process of decision making. The new method of the process is considering a set of factors but from different perspectives. The proposed framework concern about changing the traditional decision making steps and involves the impact of changeable factors to the process of decision making to enhance the way to achieve the optimal decision. It focusses on four steps in traditional decision-making process out of eight steps and consider a change to those four steps to involve the influence of the six factors. The Proposed application simulates the manual impact factors on decision making served and analyzed on cloud and using cloud computing to enhance the quality of time and the impact of expected decision change ratio. That impact ratio should reflect the influence of changeable factors and indicates the success percentage of the decision. The developed Application was implemented using PHP, MySQL with a web based user interface that can be accessed over the internet. The first version of the application is using manual entries and it might have a future upgrade with integrated and automatically insertion methodologies.