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Prevalence of psychosomatic symptoms among preparatory school students in Mansoura city /
Mansour, Walaa AbdAllah Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ولاء عبدالله أحمد منصور
مشرف / محمد عزمي خفاجي
مشرف / هند مجدي محمد جمعه
مناقش / ايمان عبدالفتاح البيطار
مناقش / برنادين برنارد عبدالمسيح
Adolescence period. Medicine, Psychosomatic.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (84 pages) :
ممارسة طب الأسرة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم الصحة العامة وطب المجتمع
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Introduction: Preparatory school students who aged between 13 – 15 years old which is a part of adolescence period, is a period of physical, nutritional, and sexual transition. Adolescence is also remarkable for the many accompanying psychological changes. Worldwide, 20% of them suffer from a mental illness, almost half of which begin by the age of 14 years old. The Aim of this study: estimate the prevalence of psychosomatic symptoms and its risk factors among preparatory school students using a semi-structured questionnaire to collect the required data regarding the nature of the study. Materials and methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytical component was conducted on 270 preparatory school students in Mansoura during the period: November 2019 December - 2019 after obtaining written consent from school principals and students’ parents to conduct the study steps from knowing personal and family data with filling out the previously prepared questionnaire in the Arabic language. Results: 1-Median total psychosomatic disorders score and median total depression score were 2.0 while median total anxiety score was 4.0. 2- Also, 46.3% of the studied students had anxiety score more than median, 37 % had depression score more than median, and 19.6% had psychosomatic score than median. 3- Statistically significant association between sex, school type and mother occupation and presence of anxiety among studied students was recorded. 4-Among studied students; 78.6% of the studied females had high anxiety score versus 15.8% of the males, 60% of students in private and 48.9 % of experimental schools had higher anxiety score versus 30% of students in governmental schools. 5- Among the mothers of the studied students, 53.8% of the sons of employee mothers had a higher anxiety score compared to 38.8% of the sons of the housewives. 6- Sex, school type, family size, mother & father occupation were significantly associated with presence of depression. 7- Among studied students; 58% of the studied females had high depression score versus 17.3 % of the males.