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Feasibility of lipofilling in breast conserving surgery /
El-Zeiny, Abd-Allah Mohammed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبدالله محمد الزيني
مشرف / شريف زكي قطب
مشرف / محمد عبدالفتاح حجازي
مشرف / خالد محمد عبدالوهاب
مناقش / خالد صفوت فهمي
مناقش / اسلام عبده أبوالفتوح
Breast - surgery. Plastic surgery.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (94 pages) :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم الجراحة العامة
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Breast conserving surgery, which only removes the tumor or the quadrant where the tumor is located, is gaining acceptance, representing nowadays around 75 % of procedures in breast oncologic surgery, because of aesthetic results, quality of life, and patient’s satisfaction. However, the reconstruction in breast-conserving surgery options should be improved and refined, because they are limited. The breast reconstruction by means of fat grafting was excluded for years, because of technique considerations: when the fat graft was located in the tumorectomy cavity, it evolved to an abscess and subsequently it was reabsorbed or externally drained. Lipofilling or lipomodelling (also known as autologous fat grafting/transfer), has been widely used to improve poor cosmetic results in some patients after BCS. The technique consists of transference of autologous fat from a distant anatomic site (e.g., abdomen, flanks and limbs) to the breast. The fat tissue is harvested with low suction pressure and centrifuged to obtain some concentrate rich in stem cells. The injected material is a source of pre-adipose cells with high viability, even in hypoxic tissues, being able to promote angiogenesis and neoadipogenesis. The fat grafting offers minimal trauma, restoring shape and volume of the breast. The current study aimed to evaluate the use of autologous fat grafting for partial breast reconstruction following the primary conservative surgery for breast cancer considering the aesthetic outcome, patient satisfaction and postoperative complications. Our study enrolled twenty breast cancer female patients prepared for breast conserving surgery and admitted to surgical ward in Oncology Center Mansoura university; with included criteria; Patients with early breast cancer (stage I &II,(Fit for general anesthesia (ASA 1,2 and3) and Patient fit and desiring breast conserving surgery. Regarding demographic data in current study we found the mean age ±SD being 43.8± 8.5 years, the BMI mean ±SD of patients was 34.93± 5.24 kg/m2 The most common techniques used for patients were Traditional lumpectomy (30%) and Medial mammoplasty (30%). In current study Aesthetic outcomes were evaluated by photographs within 6 months or more from surgery by a blinded surgeons separate team (3 independent observers) using a Thomson et al. scale. Patient satisfaction was estimated within 6 months or longer follow up from surgery using also the same scale ; Patient view; Regarding Size; 65 % of patients had ”score 5”, for Shape 50 % had ”score 4”,in symmetry 65 % had ”score 4”, for scar appearance 50% had ”score 4”, for skin color 70% had ”score 4” and for Overall Cosmosis 50% had ”score 4” in other hand regading”3 blinded Doctors” 95 % mentioned Size had ”score 5”, 70 % for Shape and 70 % for symmetry had ”score 4”, 65% had ”score 4” for skin color, 55% had ”score 4” for scar appearance and 70% had ”score 5” for Overall Cosmosis. the most common complication was average pain, which accounted for 100 %, After one month, five patients developed seroma that measured 1*2 cm in one patient, 2*2 cm in 3 patients and 3*5 cm in one patient. After 3 months, 6 patients had seroma. After 6 months, 3 patients developed traumatic fat necrosis.