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Role of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging in assessment of back muscles in young adults with chronic low back pain /
Mostafa, Rehab Mostafa Abd El-Rahman.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رحاب مصطفى عبدالرحمن مصطفى الدخاخنى
مشرف / ماجده محمد شوقي شادي،
مشرف / ساھر إبراھيم محمد طمان
مشرف / احمد مصطفي محمد السعيد
مناقش / احمد فكرى الديك
مناقش / احمد محمد عبدالخالق.
Back exercises. Abdominal exercises. Backache - Exercise therapy.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (99 pages) :
الأشعة والطب النووي والتصوير
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم الاشعة التشخيصية
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LBP is a common musculoskeletal complaint. Lumbar muscle degeneration is a common feature in non-specific low back pain. Degenerated muscles might compromise spinal stability and lead to further injury and pain. Fat infiltration in the back muscles is associated with lower back pain in young adults. DTI is a noninvasive, reproducible, and quantitative tool for studing skeletal muscle architecture. It can detect any changes of water diffusion due to muscle injury or disease leading to loss of the muscle fibers, disruption or expansion of the interstitial space. The aim of this study is to evaluate role of DTI in the assessment of back muscles in young adults with chronic low back pain with no major neurological or orthopedic disorders. The study highlighted the clinical utility of DTI properties in quantitative assessment of the back muscles to find the relation between chronic low back pain and muscle quality. This study included 37 patients with chronic low back pain without evidence of neurological or orthopedic pathology (patient group) and 22 healthy individuals as a control group. Their ages ranged from 19 years to 39 years. The patients and controls were examined by Routine MRI sequences of the lumbosacral spine. Then DTI was done with a single-shot echo-planar sequences.