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The effect of different treatment modalities on induced tempromandibular joint arthritis in rats /
El-Sherbiny, Kholoud Moustafa Saber.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / خلود مصطفى محمد صابر الشربينى
مشرف / عصام فاروق على سوسه
مشرف / سماح خالد محمد عزت
مناقش / فاطمة محمد محمد إبراهيم
مناقش / على عبدالحميد شمعة
Dentistry. Oral Biology. Tempromandibular joint arthritis.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (111 pages) :
طب الأسنان
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية طب الأسنان - بيولوجيا الفم
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Osteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent types of arthritis, it was formerly assumed to be a non-inflammatory illness caused by mechanical wear; nevertheless, it has lately been classified as a low-grade inflammatory disease. Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJOA) is defined by degenerative changes in bone, cartilage, and supporting tissues that cause discomfort, stiffness, and function loss. It affects women more than men and has a degenerative pattern that results in bone erosion, sclerosis, and bony changes including osteophytes and flattening of the condyle surface. Materials and methods Ninety one male, pathogen free, white albino rats, weighing 150-250 gms were selected and divided into 6 groups (15 rats each) : group I : negative control, other groups were subjected to induction of osteoarthritis by intra articular injection of CFA (50 μl). group II : positive control that was followed by intraarticular injection of 0.1 ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS). group III : Arthritic, PRP treated group (85 µl / week), group IV : Arthritic, CGF treated group (50 µl/week), group V: Arthritic, Hyaluronic acid treated group (0.1 ml/week), group VI: Arthritic, Annona treated group (100 mg/kg/week). One rat was sacrificed after one week for arthritis confirmation and others were sacrificed after one week, three weeks and six weeks consequently. Demineralized tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Anti TNF α, Anti MMP3, Picrosirius red stain then were subjected to digital image analysis followed by one way ANOVA statistical analysis. Results group I revealed normal characters of the TMJ with normal arrangement of collagen fibers, and mild reaction to Anti TNF α and MMP3, group II showed thinned condylar cartilage, disordered bone trabeculae, decreased, disarranged collagen fibers and severe reaction to Anti- TNFα and MMP3, group III showed slight widening of marrow spaces, increased condylar cartilage thickness, nearly normal arrangement of bone trabeculae, regenerated collagen fibers and moderate reaction to Anti TNFα and MMP3, group IV showed slight widening of marrow spaces, increased condylar cartilage thickness, nearly normal arrangement of bone trabeculae, more organized collagen fibers with mild reaction to Anti TNFα and MMP3 group V showed increase in condylar cartilage thickness with slight arrangement of bone trabeculae, organized collagen fibres and severe reaction to Anti TNFα and MMP3, group VI showed increase of condylar cartilage thickness, increase trabecular number with widening of marrow spaces, organized collagen fibers with moderate reaction to Anti TNFα and MMP3. One way ANOVA analysis revealed significant difference between groups. Conclusion These results suggest that CGF and PRP may represent effective therapy for treatment of osteoarthritis followed by Annona muricata and HA.