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دور صحافة الطفل فى التنشئة الثقافية الأطفال ذوى الإحتياجات الخاصة :
الشافعى، سماء سمير على.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سماء سمير على الشافعى
مشرف / سامي السعيد النجار
مناقش / وليد عبدالفتاح النجار
مناقش / مجدي محمد عبدالجواد داغر
ثقافة الأطفال - البلاد العربية. صحافة الأطفال. ذوي الهمم - أحوال اجتماعية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكترونى (190 صفحة) :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم الإعلام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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The specialized press plays an important role in developing and promoting the cultural upbringing of the child due to its effective and important roles in various fields, including the process of social and cultural upbringing of the child. It develops his intellect and nurtures his emotions, and that is why child journalism contributes to the upbringing of children properly if it is used well, because children are the group most vulnerable to these means by virtue of their nature and their being and the possibility that they are affected by them more than other age groups.On the sidelines of this, daily efforts in the printed press are continuing in order to meet the needs of people with disabilities, and caring for children and preparing them for the future is a civilized imperative imposed by scientific and technological development, especially the development witnessed by the mass media, which bears direct responsibility for raising issues related to children. Which works on their survival and protection, and contributes to their cultural and social awareness, and works to inform them of their rights and duties, and sheds light on the international and Arab conventions concerned with their affairs in order to defend them in case they are violated The study Problem:The problem of the study is summarized in the child’s lack of interest in reading, creativity and imagination, by monitoring, analyzing and interpreting the role of child journalism in the cultural upbringing of children with special needs. If parents do not monitor their children and leave them free to use the Internet, and this was clear when a researcher in the exploratory study conducted several interviews with a sample of children and their parents, and it was one of the most prominent findings “Parents permissively deal with the child’s access to the Internet at this age and refrain from reading specialized paper newspapers for the child that encourage the child to be imaginative and creative.” Also, many children are exposed to inappropriate content such as violent and aggressive scenes, hence the importance of the study To know the role of child journalism in his social upbringing, especially if the child has special needs.The importance of studying:The importance of the study lies in the importance of the topic dealt with by the researcher, which is to measure the density of children who benefit from the role of child journalism culturally in general and the density of children with special needs who benefit from child journalism in particular, and supports the theoretical perceptions associated with the journalism of the ordinary child and the journalism of children with special abilities and the orientations of the child journalism Objectives .Objectives of the study:The study seeks to identify the role of child journalism in the cultural upbringing of children with special needs, to include research into the vision of children with special needs of the features of the role played by child journalism towards them and its effects on them, especially with regard to shaping the features of the media image through which they present them to members of society. The research is interested in monitoring the real needs that children of this category seek from their relationship with newspapers and identifying the nature of this relationship as well as their attitudes towards the performance of the press’s functions within society.Study type and method :This study belongs to the field of descriptive studies, and this study relied on the media research method in its field apartment.Study community:The study community represents all the units that the researcher wants to study, and it is the community that consists of the Egyptian public of children in general and children with special needs in particular, and the application of the questionnaire to them.The study sample :The researcher drew a random sample of 200 individuals from the general Egyptian public of children, children with special needs, and parents.Data collection tools:A questionnaire was designed to collect study data.The most important results of the study were as follows:1.Children’s magazines are one of the most important tools for attracting children’s attention and passion, and they can play a major role in shaping a child’s awareness and culture, but this influence requires the availability of certain technical and editorial specifications so that the magazine or publication can attract children’s attention, and encourage them to read and read in the light of Concrete dominance of electronic media and means of education and entertainment.2.The magazine plays an important role in creating the ideal of the child, by allocating a small corner that addresses each time a specific personality, so that some information is published around it, and allows the child to research and expand the life of this character, and children’s magazines can be used to develop the child’s religious determination , encouraging him to discover the environment around him.3.Also, magazines for children in general and for people with special needs in particular have an important role in instilling the good values derived from our noble Sharia, on which we were brought up, and which should prevail in our Arab societies; Such as humility, generosity, honesty, and loyalty in the child, and alienating him from negative things.. such as lying, cheating, and dishonesty. It also helps him shed light on things that the child does not know; It takes him on shuttle trips to explore what he does not know, to form his knowledge, and to extrapolate what was... and what is.4.Children’s magazines for people with special needs contribute to building a balanced, purposeful, serious, successful personality, capable of thinking properly, and able to build a civilized and educated society. The purposeful magazine is a cultural, educational, media and entertainment tool for our children, instilling values and principles in the child’s personality. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on developing private and child-oriented media, and for this focus to become real and serious experiences5.The importance of children’s magazines for people with special needs lies in the fact that they have an influential and important role in building the child’s personality; This is because the personality that distinguishes individuals is only the result of a group of influences, including a group of media of all kinds, which constitute one of the most prominent educational means and the most influential on the personality of the child. The child’s personality does not consist of a vacuum, and does not grow on its own spontaneously, spontaneously or improvisation ally. Rather, it must have factors that affect it, refine it, form it and develop it.6.The results confirmed that the most prominent obstacles to the spread of children’s magazines were the spread of technology and the lack of purchasing paper magazines, followed by the lack of competitions based on the interaction of the child and the magazine’s correspondence, and in the third rank came the lack of distribution of institutions producing children’s journalism, and in the fourth rank came the exorbitant price of paper, and in the fifth rank came Lack of budget for printing magazines, and in the last order came the weakness of the editorial material in the magazine.