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Role of vanadium and titanium in fertilizer development /
Mohamed, Heba Hassan Abd El-Rhman.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هبه حسن عبدالرحمن محمد
مشرف / ايمن محمد الغمري
مشرف / السيد محمود النجار
مناقش / دينا عبدالرحيم غازي
Fertilizer. Vanadium.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
159 p. :
علوم التربة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الزراعة - قسم الاراضي
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Recent studies have shown that applying foliar spraying of vanadium and titanium boosts the efficiency of using mineral fertilizers and stimulates the plant’s uptake of additional nutrients that boost productivity and enhance the quality of agricultural goods. This results in a decrease in the addition of chemical ertilizers. The study included the following elements:❖ Studying the effect of various concentrations of foliar spraying vanadium fertilizers on facilitating elements, developing it, and developing the quality and quantity of crops (maize and wheat plants).❖ Studying the effect of various concentrations of foliar spraying titanium ertilizers on facilitating elements, eveloping it, and developing the quality and quantity of crops (maize and wheat plants).2. Experimental design and treatments:A lysimeter experiment was carried out at the experimental farm of the Egyptian Fertilizers Development Center, El-Delta Company For Fertilizers and Chemical Industries (ASMEDA) in Talkha, Dakahlia Governorate during the summer of 2019 and the winter of 2019–2020, to improve fertilizer user efficiency using various concentrations of vanadium and titanium foliar applications (2, 4, and 8 ppm V) and (2, 4, and 8 ppm Ti) in sandy soil on additionally, the most effective