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فعالية برنامج علاجي جدلي سلوكي قائم علي مهارة تنظيم المشاعر في خفض إضطراب كرب ما بعد الصدمة لدي طالبات الجامعة اللآتي تعرضن للتحرش الجنسي /
الصباغ، بسمة محمد كمال.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / بسمة محمد كمال الصباغ
مشرف / السيد فهمي علي
مناقش / عصام محمد زيدان
مناقش / احمد محمود موسي
التحرش الجنسي. اضطراب السلوك.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكتروني (266 صفحه) :
علم النفس التطبيقي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم علم النفس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 265

from 265


The goal of the current study is to evaluate the Dialectical Behavior Treatment (DBT) Program, which is based on emotional regulation, for its ability to lessen the post-traumatic experiences of a sample of college girls who experienced sexual harassment. 190 college girls psychometric competency check sample (A) the experimental group which was utilized to explore the characteristics of the PTS scale and the psychometric assessment of the Sexual Harassment scale. The Control group and the Experimental group were the two subgroups that made up Sample (B) which is the main group. Ten undergraduate girls who obtained the highest scores on the sexual harassment scale and who had not participated in DBT programs, which are based on emotional regulation, made up the control group. The Sexual Harassment Scale (El Sayed Fahmy Aly, 2022) and the Davidson PTSD Scale translated by (Abdelaziz Thabet, 2006) were used, and the psychometric features were checked for validity and reliability. The experimental group, which consisted of 10 college girls, received the DBT program that focuses on emotional regulation. The results of the study demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of the intervention program as there are significant differences between the experimental sample and the control sample following program application, according to statistical evidence. The results of the study also demonstrated the efficacy and efficiency of the intervention program with regard to the experimental group both before and after using the program in support of the experimental sample in the post study program.