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The relationship between machiavellianism and Organizational Citizenship Behavior the moderation role of Ethical Climate :
Abo El-maaty, Taghreed Hamdy Abdo.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / تغريد حمدي عبده ابوالمعاطي
مشرف / عبدالعزيز علي حسن
مشرف / تامر ابراهيم العشري
مناقش / عبد السلام محمود عبدالحميد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
156 p. :
الإدارة العامة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التجارة - قسم ادارة الاعمال
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The present research aims to investigate the effect of Machiavellianism on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and to examine the moderation role of Ethical Climate on this relationship at the field of application which is Mansoura University employees. The thesis adopted the philosophy of positivism, the deductive approach, and the method of quantitative analysis as the research methodology. The instrument utilized for data collection was the questionnaire. Consequently, 379 usable questionnaires were collected manually from the employees of Mansoura University. In addition, smart PLS V.4, path analysis was used to explore the causal relationships among the research variables.The findings reveal that there is a significant correlation relationship between the research variables dimensions (Machiavellianism, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Ethical Climate), Machiavellianism has a significant negative effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Mansoura University employees, and Ethical Climate has a significant positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the University employees. Ethical Climate significantly moderates the relationship between Machiavellianism and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, there is no significant difference in the perceptions of the employees about the Research Variables according to their different demographic variables (gender, Education Level, Years of Experience, and Management Level).In addition, this research also has significant practical implications and guidelines for the University, and theoretical implications for researchers who are interested in research variables.