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التعددية في مؤسسات رياض الأطفال وانعكاساتها على غرس الانتماء الوطني لدى الطفل المصري :
راشد، مرفت محمد رفعت المرسى محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مرفت محمد رفعت المرسى محمد راشد
مشرف / مجدي صلاح طه المهدي
مشرف / علي عبدربه حسين اسماعيل
مناقش / السيد سلامة الخميسي
مناقش / محمد حسانين عبده العجمي
التعددية. رياض الأطفال
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
323 ص. :
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية - أصول التربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 323

from 323


”The main objective of the current study is to try to come up with a proposed scenario that reduces the repercussions of the existing pluralism in kindergarten institutions on children’s national belonging. The current study used the descriptive approach, where the researcher collected data and information related to kindergarten education in Egypt, and the pluralism that exists in this education, and classified it according to its different types, and presented a number of contemporary international experiences in analyzing this, and its impact on raising and instilling belonging in the child Egyptian. It is applied to a sample consisting of: (Kindergarten teachers who were randomly selected from various institutions according to certain controls that include (type of kindergarten - experience with children - educational qualifications - educational environment of the kindergarten), and their number reached (246) teachers, Parents of children in these kindergartens to determine their views on the repercussions of this violation on instilling belonging in their children. Their number reached (603) parents). The study reached several results, including: • Pluralism is not a new concept that emerged as a result of technological development or the cognitive revolution, but rather it is old and has roots in the United States dating back to the Western transcendental philosophical movement dating back to the 19th century, and it also has Islamic roots. • The child’s personality begins to form and appear in the kindergarten stage, and a number of his cognitive, mental, motor, emotional, and social skills and abilities are formed. Preparing the child to accept others who are different, whether on the cultural, ethnic, or religious level, begins from the beginning of this stage. The child must be raised from a young age with this awareness because of its major role in forming a personality that respects cultural diversity in its society, and thus alleviating the conflicts that arise between people. Members of society, which is often due to a lack of acceptance of others who are different. The responsibility for this falls primarily on the family, and this responsibility increases when the family lives in a multicultural society. The study relied on the descriptive approach, The researcher relied on the questionnaire that aimed to identify the reality of educational integration in kindergarten institutions, it was applied to (80) guardians of integrated children in Dakahlia, Port Said, and Giza governorates, and (421) kindergarten teachers in kindergarten institutions. The most important results were reached, including: • Disabled children have the full right to education and active participation in life. • The concept of equal educational opportunities means providing the appropriate educational opportunity to every individual as long as he has the ability and willingness to enroll in the education that suits him, while trying to overcome the obstacles that prevent him from taking advantage of the opportunity in education until graduation. • Modifying the attitudes of community members towards the disabled, especially ordinary children. • Diversifying educational programs and providing alternatives to integrate children with disabilities who are capable of learning. • Guiding and developing kindergarten teachers’ awareness of how to deal with integrated children. • Working to provide the appropriate environment for the integrated child.